+351 243 931 796
Stone Type Limestone
Main Colour Beige
Country Portugal
Extraction Area Fátima - Santarém
Other names Crema Fatima; Fatima beige; Fatima stone
Technical data Compression strenght: 1366 Kg/cm2; Bending strenght: 203 Kg/cm2; Porosity: 8,0%
Applications Interior flooring; Cladding; Masonry; Stonework
The Creme de Fátima presents a very uniform structure with some occasional thin lines and some dark brown spots. This is a light beige/whitish coloured limestone that displays a soft hardness and a thin to medium grain. This limestone is seen as an alternative to the Moleanos and as so, it has an expanding demand on the global market.
The extraction points are located around the religious town of Fátima, which is a quite ample area capable of supporting future expansions. The blocks extracted are normally large.