Stone Catalogue

    Azul Peniche Light

    Stone Type Limestone

    Main Colour Grey

    Country Portugal

    Extraction Area Peniche - Torres Vedras

    Other names Azul Lourinha; Blue Peniche; Gris Pardo

    Technical data Bending strength: 11.9 MPa; Density: 2655 kg/m3; Water absorption: 0.48%

    Applications Interior flooring; Wall coverings; Exterior cladding


    The light variation of the Azul Peniche limestone presents a medium to gross grain, followed by a medium hardness. This is a grey coloured limestone with some blue and brown areas across the surface. It can also contain occasional signs of fossils. The Azul Peniche Light is a quite recent limestone from Portugal with very large demand in particular for private interior projects, as well as some commercial cladding jobs.

    This is today one of the main alternatives to the well-known Azul Valverde limestone that is basically out of production.

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