Stone Catalogue

    Alpinina Atlantida

    Stone Type Limestone

    Main Colour Pink

    Country Portugal

    Extraction Area Albiturel - Ourem

    Other names Alpinina Rosa; Alpinina

    Technical data Bending strenght: 52 kg/cm2; Volumetric weight: 2680 kg/m3; Apparent porosity: 0.7 %

    Applications Interior flooring; Bath design; Diverse decoration


    The Alpinina Atlantida is an exclusive pink coloured limestone with a very specific market within Portugal and internationally. It presents a thin grain and a fairly uniform background with some clear signs of calcite and a red coloured vein. This is a quite hard limestone and as a result, it is normally supplied in slabs with a net and resin. Additionally, the quarries where this limestone is extracted are quite small and they only function upon demand, which intensifies its exclusivity.

    This is a limestone with high demand for exclusive and small-scale decoration projects.

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