Stone Catalogue

    Estremoz White and Blue

    Stone Type Marble

    Main Colour White

    Country Portugal

    Extraction Area Bencatel - Evora

    Other names Estremoz Grey; Estremoz; Silver Estremoz; White and Blue

    Technical data Compression strenght: 970 Kg/cm2; Bending strenght: 146 Kg/cm2; Porosity: 0.2%

    Applications Flooring; Wall coverings; Diverse decoration; Bath design


    White colored marble, characterized by the blend of white and blue colors. The Extremoz White and Blue is a beautiful selection of the Estremoz marble, pretty much like a painting. It shows a wonderful blend of white and blue, but also some slight golden color.

    The Estremoz White and Blue is extracted in the same quarries of the Estremoz marble. This is an ideal marble for book-match, being a preferential stone to be used on all sorts of interior applications.

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