+351 243 931 796
Stone Type Marble
Main Colour White
Country Turkey
Extraction Area Marmara Adasi
Other names Equador; Equator marble; Panda White; Marmara Equator
Technical data Compression strenght: 704 Kg/cm2; Bending strenght: 111 Kg/cm2; Porosity: 0,2%
Applications Interior decoration; Flooring; Wall coverings; Masonry; Stonework
The Marmara White is a white coloured marble, with medium grain and uniform background. The Marmara White is a type of marble with a unique feature: it presents a parallel grey/bluish coloured vein. This parallel vein is what makes this white marble so unique and distinct.
The Marmara White Classic is the most widely available type of Marmara, more commercial, affordable and presenting a less uniform and irregular vein. This marble is an historical use in Turkey, being found on basically most old building, museums, mosques and more.